Monday 11 April 2011

Effective Safety Poster

Very effective, captures the audience with its outrageous image, straight to the point, also has an effective slogan with good typography enabling quick and easy reading.

Monday 21 March 2011

The Mono to the Gram!

This is my Monogram I like apples, and i like lamb, Making toast? Ill have jam, Finished already? well, thanks for that man :] All about my day. plus pancakes.

Monday 7 March 2011

Video Game Violence

Do video games honestly effect the behavior of humans? depending on the age of the people exposed to certain violent games, is it the cause of the violence seen today?
I do not feel that video games are the reason solely, sure children may be effected in some way but that is the purpose of restricted content, witch means the blame falls back on parents that do not focus enough on what there child is obtaining and playing. Certain things effect certain people in certain ways, I have played video games all my life many of witch were violent, I'm not saying that I'm not a violent person but i know right from wrong.